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Rigpa countries_v2.png

Where we are

You can connect with one of Rigpa's 117 centres and groups in 24 countries, join online, or visit one of our retreat centres — Lerab Ling in France and Dzogchen Beara in Ireland.


Rigpa in your country


Find a centre or group near you

Each Rigpa centre and group offers a programme of courses and seminars

Contact the centre or group near you to see what programmes they are currently offering.

Australia (en)

Austria (de)

Belgium (fr)

Bhutan (email contact)

Brazil (email contact)

Canada (en | fr)

Czech Republic


France (fr)

Germany (de)

India (email contact)

Israel (email contact)

Ireland (en)

Italy (it)

Netherlands (nl)

New Zealand

Spain (es)

Sweden (email contact)

Switzerland (fr | de | en)

Taiwan (email contact)

UK (en)

USA (en)

Rigpa Newcastle, Australia

Retreat Centres

Lerab Ling, France

Lerab Ling is one of the leading centres of Tibetan Buddhist culture and learning in Europe. Since it opened in 1992 in southern France, it has been blessed by visits from some of the greatest masters of our time including His Holiness the Dalai Lama (in 2000 and 2008), His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Penor Rinpoche, Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche and Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok and many other contemporary Buddhist teachers. Read more about Lerab Ling  |  Go to Lerab Ling's web site


Dzogchen Beara, Ireland

Rigpa’s long-term retreat centre in south-west Ireland, Dzogchen Beara offers a unique year-round programme of weekend retreats and seminars. Set on the wild and beautiful Beara Peninsula in south-west Ireland, the centre sits high on cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with breathtaking views of sea and sky.

The Dzogchen Beara Temple, completed in 2024, was built in the style of a traditional Tibetan monastery. This Temple will be a place for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism and in particular for the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik lineage.  Read more about Dzogchen Beara   |  Go to Dzogchen Beara's web site

Dzogchen Beara Temple, opened July, 2024

Study online from anywhere

Online teachings and events

Distance Learning programmes