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Rigpa homepage

Rigpa is an international network of centres and groups offering the Buddha’s teachings in a way that is based on an authentic tradition, yet also relevant and beneficial for people in the modern world. Rigpa offers courses and seminars in meditation and compassion, as well as a complete path of study and practice for every stage of the Buddha’s teachings.

Find a Rigpa group or centre

Rigpa’s centres around the world continue to offer drop-in meditation sessions, courses and events - in person and online. Find a centre near you / in your time zone to find out more about their programmes.


Upcoming Events

Rigpa's centres around the world host a regular programme of talks, weekend seminars and retreats led by Rigpa Teachers and teachers from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. For courses and other programmes, please check what is happening in a centre near you.

Learn & Practice


The first & basic practice of meditation is to allow the mind to settle into a state of ‘calm abiding’, where it will find peace & stability.

By developing compassion and loving kindness both for ourselves and others, we discover a stable sense of self-esteem and a healthy, nourishing love for ourselves.

Find out more through videos, online courses, courses and retreats.

Courses and events offered in Rigpa form part of an in-depth curriculum of study, reflection, practice and retreat based on the graduated stages of the Buddhist path of awakening.

At each stage one can study and practise in depth, or in a more essential way, the key point being the transformation that actually takes place in one’s being. More info


Activity in Society

The Spiritual Care Programme, was established and has been supported by Rigpa since 1993, offering non-denominational, contemplative-based care for health and social care professionals and trained volunteers as well as for a general public. The programme now runs independently in various countries around the world. Rigpa continues to hold Buddhist courses and seminars on death and dying.

Rigpa and affiliated entities regularly host international conferences that bring together Buddhist teachers, scientists & leading experts to discuss the benefits of meditation, compassion and other topics. Lerab Ling Conferences  |  Compassion in Society

Death and Dying

Charitable Projects Each year Rigpa sponsors a number of monasteries in the East, educational projects, freeing animals’ lives, as well as charities directly helping victims of natural disasters. Read more


Sogyal Rinpoche’s Parinirvana

Sogyal Rinpoche entered into parinirvana on 28th August, 2019. Sogyal Rinpoche was a world-renowned Buddhist teacher from Tibet, recognized as the incarnation of a great master and visionary saint of the nineteenth century, Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa. He founded the international Buddhist network Rigpa, was the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and dedicated over 45 years to bringing the Buddhist teachings to the West. Read more