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Safe Environment in Rigpa

Rigpa is an international community of individuals following the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It is our shared wish to create a safe environment for the study and practice of the Buddhist teachings, one where we all feel a sense of responsibility for each others’ well-being and spiritual path.

"Ethics and Buddhism are almost synonymous. The Tibetan word for ethics is 'tsultrim' - living in accord with the view of the Dharma." Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche, Rigpa London, 2018

Code of Conduct and Shared Values Guidelines

Whatever their participation or role in the activities associated with Rigpa, everyone has a responsibility to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of the land and the ethical behaviour outlined in our Safe Environment guidelines.

These guidelines are formalised in Rigpa’s:

In place since 2018 and periodically reviewed, Rigpa’s ‘Code of Conduct' and 'Shared Values and Guidelines Statement' were developed “by the Community for the Community”, through a series of discussions amongst the world-wide Rigpa sangha. They identify our shared values as a sangha and reflect our values as a Vajrayana organisation. They apply to our sangha, visiting lamas and teachers, and members of the public who participate in activity in Rigpa, and they are a reminder of our commitment to embodying these values in all aspects of our activity.

Grievance Procedure

If anyone has concerns about behaviour of someone in Rigpa—be they a teacher, team member or sangha member—we encourage the person to speak up so that the situation can be swiftly identified and addressed.

Depending on the situation, there are several ways to address a concern and there is support available in local centres, from national Rigpa role holders, and through an Independent Council.

Details of the Grievance Procedure and steps one can take can be found here.

Safe Environment Advisory Team 

Overseeing this area of Rigpa’s activity is the Safe Environment Advisory Team—a small group with representatives from several countries in Rigpa. The group’s purpose is to support all members of the sangha as well as Rigpa teams to foster an environment in Rigpa that is reflective of our values and ethics, and to support them if and when difficulties arise within the sangha. 

You can contact the Safe Environment Advisory Team at