The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying ❊ 30th Anniversary
This year marks the 30th Anniversary since ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’ was first published. A 30th Anniversary edition of the book will be released soon!

Words from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

The Essence of ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’
These videos give the essence of some of the main themes in this book, from a public talk given by Sogyal Rinpoche in Sydney in 2012. The talk was entitled ‘The Art of Living and Dying, The Heart Essence of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.’ Find more videos from this talk on YouTube.
The story of the book
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is widely regarded as one of the most complete and authoritative presentations of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings. A manual for life and death and a source of sacred inspiration from the heart of the Tibetan tradition, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying provides a lucid and inspiring introduction to the practice of meditation, to the nature of mind, to karma and rebirth, to compassionate love and care for the dying, and to the trials and rewards of the spiritual path.
The teachings of Tibetan Buddhism have been called one of the last ancient wisdom traditions on earth. They are extraordinarily profound and relevant because they transmit a special understanding of the mind or, to be more precise, the knowledge of our true nature—the innermost, essential nature of the mind. In practice, they empower us to thrive in the world with kindness, compassion, resilience, and equanimity. These crucial instructions have been handed down meticulously over centuries from masters to their students in an unbroken line to the present day.
From the heart of the Tibetan tradition, the book presents simple yet powerful practices that anyone, whatever their religion or background, can do to transform their lives, prepare for death, and help the dying.
Over three decades The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying has touched and supported people from all walks of life. There were many who said it had transformed the death of a loved one or helped them at other critical moments in their lives. Some told of how they had read the book two or three times all the way through and still return to it at moments of crisis. Others kept it by their bedside and used it to dip into repeatedly for guidance and inspiration. In various places, medical and educational institutions adopted the book for their training courses and made use of its methods and practices.
How wonderful it is that the teachings from this tradition are increasingly accessible to people everywhere, young and old so that anyone can learn and carry these values of wisdom and compassion into everyday life and to face the struggles of the world.
Sogyal Rinpoche gives an overview of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Sydney 2017
“The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” is a gift to the world, a soothing balm for these troubled times that has the capacity to awaken within us those qualities of love and compassion that are at the very core of the teachings and which enrich our lives with meaning, insight and depth.”
Nigel Westlake (award-winning Australian composer)
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