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Introducing Rigpa's Holders

It was always Sogyal Rinpoche’s wish that Rigpa’s teaching and practice programmes and Dharma lineage would be held by his own students, with support from the lamas of our lineage. In August 2021, a group of Senior Teachers and Senior Practice Holders, as well as the mandala of Rigpa’s teachers, practice holders, and activity holders will be introduced to the Rigpa sangha.

This collection of Sangha Blog articles, gathers in one place:

  • the background that led to nominating and appointing Rigpa’s senior holders,

  • an explanation of the different roles and what this will mean for each of us in the Rigpa sangha,

  • meeting some of the senior holders and hearing from them what it means to take on these roles and serve the sangha and Dharma in this way, and more.

More articles will be added over time.