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Rigpa's Vision

Rigpa is a Tibetan word, which means pristine, pure awareness. It signifies the unchanging awakened mind that Buddha recognized upon his enlightenment and which he realized is the inherent nature of every single sentient being.

Discovering and realising this pristine, pure awareness, the innermost nature of the mind—this is what Rigpa wishes to make possible for everyone.

The lineage

Rigpa’s lineage is the Nyingma (“Ancient”) lineage, traced back to the extraordinary figure of Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism to Tibet in the eighth century, and especially the ‘Heart Essence’ teachings of the Great Perfection. In particular, we follow the cycle of teachings and practice of the Longchen Nyingtik, along with practices from the traditions of Lerab Lingpa, Dudjom Tersar, and others.

Rigpa as an organization was founded by Sogyal Rinpoche, a student and master of this Dzogchen lineage, following the vision and aspirations of his masters, including Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, Dudjom Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and Nyoshul Khenpo. It has been dedicated to translating and sharing this unique body of teachings with anyone who has sincere interest and devotion to this path, in a way that is accessible to the modern mind.

Over the last 40 years, many great lineage masters have advised Rigpa, and guided the study and practice of Rigpa students, giving transmissions and the highest teachings.

Rigpa is the home of these great masters and our community continues to be guided by the great teachers of the Nyingma lineage, as well as the new generation of trainee Western teachers and instructors from Rigpa.


Rigpa upholds the non-sectarian, open-minded tradition of Rimé, as exemplified in Tibet by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye and Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, who emphasized the importance of respect for all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and for all religious traditions.

The essence of Rimé is to show openness, while being clear that when it comes to our own practice, we embody the unique style and methods of our tradition.

We aspire to apply this spirit to everything we do, by inviting masters from all traditions and lineages to enrich our understanding of the Buddhadharma, while at the same time offering clear guidance and support for following our practice lineages.


Rigpa offers a complete and authentic path of Buddhist study and practice, both for those who aspire to follow it in its entirety, and for anyone who wishes to apply the compassion and practical wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings in their lives.

We have many committed Vajrayana and Dzogchen students who wish to accomplish these teachings in this lifetime. Equally, as the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying has shown, many people wish to gain a deep understanding of the mind, and how this wisdom can guide them in all aspects of life and at the moment of death.

In action and for the world

Rigpa also has a unique legacy of bringing wisdom and compassion into activity, and to show how all levels of Buddhist view and practice can be integrated into everyday life, in an immediate, dynamic and evolving way. This body of teachings and advice will continue to be shared to guide and shape Rigpa’s culture and values.

We are a vehicle for bringing wisdom and compassion to the wider world, in the spirit of universal responsibility, dialogue and social engagement, embodied and championed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

How the vision is upheld

It is clear to us that the way forward for Rigpa is to be vision-led. It was always Sogyal Rinpoche’s intention and long-term vision that Rigpa would be held and led by a body of students who understood and collectively embodied the depth of Rigpa’s vision. Rigpa must be guided by those who are dedicated to upholding our unique lineage. This means that all of us, Rigpa’s students, instructors and practitioners, are part of upholding Rigpa. Sogyal Rinpoche has said many times, that Rigpa is the manifestation of his vision and aspirations, and part of his legacy. It has always been his wish that we all continue his work and activity.