Vision Board Messages to the Rigpa Sangha
Rigpa’s Vision Board regularly sends messages to the Rigpa sangha, in addition to periodic video streamed information sessions.
Here you can find all the Vision Board’s email messages in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Announcing Rigpa’s Vision Board, January 2018
Report from the Vision Board’s first meeting, April 2018
How Rigpa will move forward after the investigation report, November 2018
Letter to the Rigpa sangha from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, January 2019
Clarifying and reaffirming Rigpa’s Vision, May 2019
Summary of the Vision Board’s latest meetings, June 2019
Acknowledging Rigpa’s Dharma Teachers, Vajra Masters and Activity Holders, November 2019
An update about nominating teaching, practice and activity holders in Rigpa, December 2019