Dharma parenting sharing meeting organized by the European Buddhist Union
On Sunday 26 June, ten representatives of several European Buddhist communities met together. Among those present were Ron Eichhorn, the Director of the European Buddhist Union (EBU) and EBU council members. The aim of this online meeting was to provide a virtual room where parents, family members and Dharma or mediation teachers where able to share their experience about the dharma programmes and activities they offer for children and families in Europe.
The sharing group is part of a pilot project organized by several members of the EBU (Sara Manzi, Emilia Amalā Raunio, EBU council member and Isabelle Huet, EBU council member) who intend to explore, create resources and provide general information about Dharma and Parenthood.
Rigpa's children and teenager programme Rigpé Yeshé was represented by Daniela Dalal (international representative of Rigpé Yeshé) and Friederike von Born-Fallois (representative of Rigpé Yeshé Germany).
EBU meeting on Dharma programmes for children and teens
The meeting created a wonderful opportunity to start creating a network of all those interested in dharma education of young people. It became clear that many Buddhist groups already offer programmes for parents and their children. Many groups would like to find ways to involve the young people in their sanghas more and more and to establish events for the whole family. According to some participants, creating a safe, non-judgmental, and child-friendly environment helps to involve young children and teenagers in Dharma programmes.
It is so obvious that we need the younger generation to create peace in this world.
We agreed to support each other in sharing our experiences and our resources with each other and the group will continue to meet regularly.
If you are interested in participating in the next meeting please write to dharmaparenting@europeanbuddhistunion.org.
Rigpé Yeshé has already more than 20 years of experience in holding national and international dharma programmes and in developing dharma curricula for young people. The next Rigpé Yeshé programmes will happen in Lerab Ling this August.
If you have questions about Rigpa's programme for children, teenagers , parents and families please write to rigpe.yeshe@rigpa.org
Recent Rigpé Yeshé teenager weekend meditation retreat near Cologne with 20 teenagers
Related links:
Dharma parenting project in EBU magazine
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