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Four main areas where Rigpa needs your help in 2025

Sangha Blog

Four main areas where Rigpa needs your help in 2025



To begin we would like to thank everyone who made possible Rigpa’s main projects of 2024: the Temple in Dzogchen Beara, the powerful stupas in Lerab Ling, Dharma Mati Berlin, Sukhavati and Tashi Ding, and to hold two major Drupchens with Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche… What wonderful accomplishments! Emaho!

What’s next in 2025?

One more Stupa to build

The sangha’s participation in Rigpa’s Stupa Project will have merit beyond our lifetime. The beautiful journey we have all been on to help create these symbols of Buddha’s enlightened mind, will be completed by building a stupa in Dzogchen Beara in 2025. Much work has already been done and the actual building will start in the summer but we still need funds to complete this amazing project. For more information, please have a look here or contact Malcolm MacClancy.

Investing in Rigpa’s Future

This year, the main focus of the Rigpa organisation is to secure our long-term future both spiritually and financially. Since 2021, the Endowment Fund in the Tertön Sogyal Foundations, together with restricted funds held in Lerab Ling, have been playing a key role in this by disbursing more than 362 grants totalling €583,067 supporting Dharma students and projects all over the world. The latest annual report will be available soon.

The Endowment Fund works like a long-term savings account. Only the interest is used to support grants. To support more students in attending retreats and events, and to secure the long-term sustainability of our retreat centres and their infrastructure, it is essential the Tertön Sogyal Foundations keep receiving donations. For more information on how to support the foundations, please contact or make a donation here.

Painting the Lerab Ling Temple

Everyone who visited Lerab Ling last year must have noticed the poor state of the exterior temple walls. In 2025 our aspiration is to start with a big painting job to completely repaint the temple. To partly finance this, we are in the process of applying for subsidies from heritage foundations in France and Europe. Of course we also need to raise funds to cover all the costs involved in making our temple a sparkling beacon of light again. As soon as we know more, we will notify you and also update this blog post. 

Our Monastic Sangha

Each year we are asking for donations for our incredibly active monastic community, the heart of our worldwide sangha. With your support our monks and nuns will be able to go on retreat, deepen their knowledge of rituals and make time to study and to attend teachings. Monastics do not receive any remuneration for any of their activities, other than a little pocket money. So please keep supporting them throughout the year by making a donation.