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Alak Zenkar Rinpoche's recent visit to Lerab Ling

Sangha Blog

Alak Zenkar Rinpoche's recent visit to Lerab Ling



Download the new Prayer to Sogyal Rinpoche by Alak Zenkar Rinpochet in English | Français | Italiano | Español.

In June, Alak Zenkar Rinpoche made a deeply appreciated visit to Lerab Ling, where he met many Sangha members who have known him for years, and look on him with immense esteem and affection. On June 22nd, Local Deities’ Day, Dzamling Chisang, Rinpoche came to the temple to give oral transmissions and join us in the practice of Sollo Chenmo.

To have Rinpoche present among us all on this special day—there could have been no more perfect time.  And as we began, Rinpoche explained:

“First of all, Lerab Ling is really somewhere that is the perfect place. As for the perfect teacher, Sogyal Rinpoche, although he is not with us today, the blessing of his body, speech and mind is here. Then regarding the perfect retinue, we have with us today, from various places around the world, the vidyadharas and yogis and yoginis of the Rigpa Sangha. The perfect Dharma is this guru yoga of Gesar Norbu Dradul, of which I will give the oral transmission. Then we will practice Sollo Chenmo, where we recite: “We exalt you! We honour and praise you!...” and so on, and we make offerings and request Lord Gesar to enact his enlightened activities.”

During his visit, Alak Zenkar Rinpoche was also requested to write an invocation prayer to Sogyal Rinpoche that students could include in their practice. With his characteristic eloquence, he composed this prayer.

You can download it in English | Français | Italiano | Español.