The US Sangha Shares News from their National Retreat
Rigpa USA Team
Over 120 people gathered in person and online for a joyous sangha reunion at our national Rigpa US retreat, held from November 16 to 23, 2024. We met in the magnificent Orgyen Dorje Den, a temple manifested by the students of the late Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche.
This sangha-facing event was led by Sherab Leypoldt, Senior teacher from Australia. She was assisted by Jane Gray, another Australian teacher, and Alison Challinor, who joined from the UK. A group of US-entrusted teachers worked harmoniously together under Sherab’s direction to present carefully curated teachings given by Sogyal Rinpoche in 2015 and 2016. The retreat provided a unique opportunity to explore some of Rinpoche’s key teachings on the Dzogchen way of being, with ample time to reflect, practice, and really take these precious teachings to heart. Many instructions were given on how to actually live in an enlightened way, abiding in the true nature of mind and continuously maintaining awareness.
People who were able to attend were very pleased with this opportunity to encounter one another in person, and several group lunches were organised and greatly enjoyed. We were delighted to welcome several sangha members who also attended from Australia.
Some comments made after the retreat from students who attended:
“As a result of her masterful editing of Rinpoche’s teachings on video and her own deft presentations, Sherab (and the teachers of the US Sangha) cut through so much of my habitual resistance that I experienced a profound devotion for the Master and the lineage for the first time. The deep confidence to which Rinpoche referred throughout his treatises on Dzogchen and a singing inspiration, became an integrated part of myself.
The dedicated Sangha, practiced and constant, were extremely kind to me, and I am grateful beyond words. And their constant attention to detail was stellar. Very humbly from my heart, I thank you all.” A student from Montreal attending in person
“Attending the US Autumn Retreat for a full eight days in person at Orgyen Dorje Den in Alameda, California, this year was a truly transformative experience. The focus on Rinpoche and receiving his most precious nature of mind teachings made it feel like we were in his presence once again. The sangha was held by Rinpoche, by the teachers, and by each other.
“Hearing the retreat leaders share so personally and movingly about their own journeys on the path and the powerful lessons they learned working closely with Rinpoche, and then being guided by them in our own personal reflections and planning sessions for how we would integrate these teachings into our lives, felt like having a best friend on the ledge above, reaching out their hands to hoist us up out of our habitual tendencies and lack of confidence, to remember and take in the highest view, and to invite us along on a journey of rediscovery and deeper opening to Rinpoche, to our own nature of mind and to the Dharma. What a tremendous and unrepayable gift!” A local student who attended in person
“As we began to dive deeply into Rinpoche's teachings, I felt a deepened heart, a 'cracking open' sense, a deep appreciation for this grace as we continue together as Dzogchen students of Sogyal Rinpoche. Often it may seem that we as zoom attendants are separate from you there. Not so-- our hearts are one and we can open together, benefit together, and feel strengthened, no matter the distance.” A student attending on Zoom