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Stupa of Complete Victory - Appearing Soon at Dharma Mati, Berlin

Sangha Blog

Stupa of Complete Victory - Appearing Soon at Dharma Mati, Berlin

Rigpa e.V.


Amidst all the busyness of dharma courses, retreats and summer holidays, it would be easy to forget that something extraordinary will soon be happening right here at Dharma Mati in the heart of Berlin.

In September 2024, the Rigpa Germany sangha will complete the construction of a new Stupa on the grounds of the Dharma Mati centre in Berlin. The stupa will make a tangible contribution towards bringing greater wisdom and compassion into the world, enhancing all our efforts to make the world a kinder and more peaceful place.

The stupa at Dharma Mati is part of Rigpa’s wider stupa project that will see stupas built in Lerab Ling, Dharma Mati and Dzogchen Beara. Read more about the stupa project here.

What makes this stupa special?

There are eight different kinds of stupa representing eight important events in the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche specifically chose the Stupa of Vitality (or Stupa of Complete Victory), for Dharma Mati in Berlin. This type of stupa is quite rare and commemorates the Buddha’s agreement to extend his lifespan by three months, in response to the fervent supplications of his disciples. The stupa is associated, therefore, with longevity and is believed to promote the long life of the masters and practitioners who uphold the Dharma.

The simple, distinct structure will rise from the ground as a powerful reminder of the awakened mind of the Buddha. 

The stupa will be built in granite to last for hundreds of years, well beyond our own lifetimes. Granite is a natural stone formed from volcanic magma which is the main component and most solid layer of our planet, the earth’s crust. 

Before the stupa is sealed and consecrated, every millimetre of space will be filled with inconceivably precious sacred objects, mantras, texts and substances, including relics of many historical Buddhist masters such as Guru Rinpoche, Longchenpa, Rigdzin Jigmé Lingpa, Patrul Rinpoche, Do Khyentse, Dudjom Rinpoche, as well as those of Sogyal Rinpoche and Mayum Pema Tsering Wangmo. 

It is said that building a stupa has a positive impact on its entire surroundings. Building a stupa is like inviting a Buddha to reside here.

Where we’re at with the project and how you can support

Completing the foundation of the stupa at Dharma Mati, Berlin

The foundations for the stupa have been successfully completed! We expect the granite stones and precious contents to arrive by the end of August, ready for the stupa to be assembled and filled in the first week of September. The master stupa-builder and renowned teacher, Tulku Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche, will join us at Dharma Mati during this time to supervise the works and share teachings with us. The whole Rigpa Sangha is of course warmly invited to join in person for the rituals here at Dharma Mati—please find a provisional schedule below.

Building an authentic stupa in a major European city so that it lasts hundreds of years is not cheap. Thanks to many generous donations, we have already raised a significant amount of the funds needed—thank you for every single one of them! We now need to raise a further 35,000€ by September to complete all the works—the balance of payment for the stupa, delivery of the granite stones from Portugal, contribution to Lerab Ling for preparation of all the sacred contents, and so on.

Every single donation, regardless of how big or small it is, will share equally in the merit of this great endeavour, so please don’t hesitate to contribute whatever amount fits your circumstances. This is an investment in a future beyond our lifetimes, an investment in the merit bank of the buddhas—probably the only investment that is guaranteed to multiply and follow us until enlightenment. :-)

“Building a Stupa,” said the Dzogchen master, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, “is cause for the greatest accumulation of merit possible.”

You are warmly invited to be a part of this - to join the consecration, the teachings or to make a donation (by Bank Transfer or Paypal). Thank you so much for your support. 

Programme for the consecration

Provisional schedule

You are warmly invited to all events!

30 August | Placing the foundation stones of the stupa
2 September | Filling, completing and closing the stupa
6 - 8 September (also ONLINE) | Guru Yoga teachings with Tulku Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche
8 September | Consecration ritual by Tulku Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche