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News from the Bodhi Team

Sangha Blog

News from the Bodhi Team

Bodhi Team


Dear Sangha friends,

As we are rounding up our first season we are happy to give you an update of what Bodhi has been up to in the last months. In June, we successfully ran our pilot event BEING BODHI where about 200 people gathered to explore what awakening looks like in today’s world. It was incredibly joyful to see both new and familiar faces and receive teachings on meditation, love, and awakening from our four amazing senior teachers: Annie Birken, Ian Ives, Steve Cope, and Vinciane Rycroft. For those who were not able to join, it is possible to rewatch the entire event via delayed streaming here.

Here’s what some of the participants said:

“Thank you!!! I was curious to see what such an event could be like, and I did not regret joining! I found it insightful, helpful, thought provoking and encouraging. And found myself considering some things I hadn't thought about before, such as the role of the mind in our experience of _everything_ and what we mean by the "mind". So overall, hugely positive this first gathering of Being Bodhi! Great to realise that there are others out there on similar journeys, curious to know more about Rigpa, and keen to discover other ways to connect and perhaps meet. Thank you so much! ❤😊

“Wonderful event !!!! I couldn't imagine how it could have been better than this - great teachers - simple and yet profound teachings, as well for new students as for the older ones - reminding these of the essential points of Dharma activities.... ;-) I was really surprised of the "all encompassing" quality of the teachings. … You are making the access very easy without loosing the core points.”

In addition to the first live event, during the last month's, Bodhi’s Meditation in Everyday Life course (based on the Practical Wisdom teachings) was piloted in multiple centers and online in four different countries. Coming this Fall, this 6-week programme will also be run in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, the US, and online. You are all very welcome to join or refer your friends there! Discover more and find a course near you.

Lastly, check out our free, bite-sized Bodhi audio contemplations as part of our Everybody is Loving Bodhi campaign! Feel free to forward these to anyone who might benefit.

We cannot wait to share more news with you! Stay tuned by signing up to the Bodhi Newsletter here.

Much love from the team
Emma, Oonagh, Fian and Nico

If you missed the first blog post from the Bodhi team: