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The Joyful Events that Opened the Dzogchen Beara Temple

Sangha Blog

The Joyful Events that Opened the Dzogchen Beara Temple

Dzogchen Beara


The first gatherings and events in the Dzogchen Beara Temple in July were an immense celebration of a long, beautiful journey and were filled with love, auspiciousness and joy. The occasion was shared with the local Beara community, supporters, and the international Rigpa Sangha, and was blessed by the presence of one of the longest supporters of Dzogchen Beara, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche. 

A whirlwind of activity continued right up to the night before the opening—installing flooring, painting the temple inner and outside, painting, gilding and fixing sacred ornaments on the parapets, pillars and shrine, making tables and stuffing cushions, testing the AV and IT systems, sweeping and cleaning…

The first gatherings in the new Temple

As an acknowledgement of the huge contribution they have made to bring the Dzogchen Beara Temple to fruition, and the significance of the interdependent relationship Dzogchen Beara shares with the surrounding community, the very first gatherings in the new temple were with locals. On the morning of July 6, when the builder handed over the keys, around 150 of the contractors and workers who built the temple and their families came together with the Dzogchen Beara sangha to celebrate this historic shared accomplishment. In the afternoon 200 people from local businesses and the wider community were welcomed for a “Preview”. There was a sense of awe and appreciation among those gathered and a strong sense that the temple complements the landscape and really belongs there.

The keys to the temple were officially handed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Pat Plunket, who received them “on behalf of Sogyal Rinpoche, Peter and Harriet Cornish, the worldwide Rigpa Community and the Dzogchen Beara Trust”.

Imbuing the Temple with Practice

Appropriately on Chökhor Düchen, a day that commemorates the first teaching given by Buddha Shakyamuni, over 500 Rigpa sangha members came together in person and online for a joyful morning of practice, commencing a three-day programme of practices to open the temple. The programme especially focused on establishing Rigpa’s main practices in the new Temple, with sessions of meditation, Loving Kindness, Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro, and the 3-roots practices (Rigdzin Düpa, Yang Nying Pudri and Yumka Dechen Gyalmo).

During the opening days, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and the community performed two freeing life ceremonies, freeing lobsters back into the ocean. Mirroring the practice in Tibet of marking freed animals, the lobsters had a V shape cut out of their tail which means that should they be captured in the future they should be released, in accord with Irish law.

Establishing the teachings of the Buddha in the Dzogchen Beara Temple

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche giving the first teaching in the Dzogchen Beara Temple

In a full temple, and the largest audience we have seen at Dzogchen Beara since Sogyal Rinpoche’s Summer retreats, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche then blessed the temple with two days of teachings encompassing the entire Buddhist path based on three words - Samsara, Bodhichitta, and Buddha Nature. After the retreat it really felt as if Rinpoche had planted the roots of Dharma deeply in the temple so the teachings would flourish long into the future.

During his visit, Rinpoche also met with the Dzogchen Beara community, sharing his heart advice on the importance of harmony—a theme that almost every lama who has taught in Rigpa in recent years has emphasised. He spoke of the importance of having a big vision and he commended the community for having the courage to take on and accomplish the building of the Temple. Through that we can see that we can accomplish great things in the future.

During one of the group practices with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, he was joyfully presented with a cake for his birthday and ‘happy birthday’ was sung to him in multiple languages. 

Honouring His Holiness Karmapa’s wishes

In an unexpected and exciting addition to the opening days, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche journeyed by boat out into the Atlantic ocean where he placed 14 naga vases*—36 sets with seven naga vases in each set which contain all kinds of relics, including those of Buddha Shakyamuni. This was done according to the wishes and with the blessing of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, who felt it would be auspicious to offer them in Dzogchen Beara. These vases have been made to offer in all the important seas or lakes or rivers in Europe in order to protect Europe and pray for the Buddha Dharma's prosperity. Everyone who couldn’t go out by boat gathered in front of the Temple and recited the mani mantra whilst Ringu Tulku Rinpoche was placing the vases.

The Temple Programme is now open for everyone to join

Following the joyful and auspicious celebrations of the first gatherings, practices and teachings in the Dzogchen Beara Temple the doors are now open for everyone to join us!

The Temple Programme of daily meditations and temple visits as well as mini-retreats (a morning) have begun and give everyone a chance to experience the Temple and what we offer in its unique location and inspiring atmosphere in a variety of different ways. Find out more here.

Gratitude to the Rigpa Sangha 

We rejoice in the vast merit generated by the collective, inspired energy of the Rigpa sangha to build this Temple together. We are grateful to the sangha for their ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you very soon!