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To begin we would like to thank everyone who made possible Rigpa’s main projects of 2024: the Temple in Dzogchen Beara, the powerful stupas in Lerab Ling, Dharma Mati Berlin, Sukhavati and Tashi Ding, and to hold two major Drupchens with Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche… What wonderful accomplishments! Emaho! What’s next in 2025?
The end of the Tibetan year is coming soon. This is the most important time in the year for each of us to offer our practice accumulations from the previous 12 months. Read more about how you can be part of it.
Updated 26 August with new videos! Rigpa’s stupa project will see the construction of stupas in Lerab Ling, Dzogchen Beara, and Dharma Mati in Berlin as well as 25 small stupas for Rigpa centres around the world. The project is entering an exciting phase with construction starting in the coming weeks.
Something extraordinary will soon be happening right here at Dharma Mati in the heart of Berlin—the construction of a new Stupa. What a rare sight in the middle of a Western city! Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche specifically chose the Stupa of Vitality (or Stupa of Complete Victory), for Dharma Mati. This type of stupa is associated with longevity and is believed to promote the long life of the masters and practitioners who uphold the Dharma. How can we all help to bring this to fruition?
The first gatherings and events in the new Dzogchen Beara Temple in July were an immense celebration of a long, beautiful journey and were filled with love, auspiciousness and joy. The occasion was shared with the local Beara community, supporters, and the international Rigpa Sangha, and was blessed by the presence of one of the longest supporters of Dzogchen Beara, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.
The Bodhi project, first established in 2014, has been evolving and now a new, dynamic team is exploring ways to bring the next chapter of Bodhi to the world in the most beneficial way. You are warmly invited to join the team on this journey.
A new structure that formalises the way Rigpa entities work together to achieve Rigpa’s vision is coming into place in 2023. Find out more about ‘One Rigpa’.
This year we celebrate ten years of one of Rigpa’s main sangha study programmes, the All-Encompassing Path to Enlightenment, and we usher in the next incarnation of the programme, which starts in October. Find out more.
New members of Rigpa’s Vision Board have recently been appointed, including two new Youth Advisors. Find out more about the changes to the group and meet the new members.
In the second of a four-part series to keep us all informed about how Rigpa is being held, read about what we are focusing on in 2023, and an update about the leadership teams in Rigpa.
In January this year, Rigpa’s Senior Teachers and Senior Practice holders completed a one-month retreat together. Here they share with the sangha how the retreat was for them and how the sangha can benefit.
In addition to the traditional features of the Rigpa Tibetan Calendar, as a special addition this year, the calendar includes a selection of prayers especially recommended for the tumultuous times the world currently faces. Find out more.
In the coming weeks, Rigpa’s holders will nominate new members for the Vision Board. We are also taking this opportunity to recollect, more broadly, how the spiritual direction in Rigpa is held.
January 2023 will see Rigpa’s senior teachers and practice holders come together for a one-month retreat in Lerab Ling. Read more about the plans for the retreat and how you can connect.
On 14 October, Mayum Pema Tsering Wangmo was cremated in a traditional ceremony in Tashiding, Sikkim. Sangha members Paul and Anja share their experience of the occasion.
On Saturday 2 July 2022, Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche formally entrusted the first generation of Rigpa’s Western Buddhist Teachers. It was a very significant day in Sogyal Rinpoche’s vision for the transmission of the teachings of the Buddha. Watch the video highlights.
It is with great sadness and sorrow that we share the news that Mayum Tsering Wangmo, beloved mother of Sogyal Rinpoche, Dzogchen Rinpoche, Thigyal and Dechen Lakar and the elder sister of Khandro Tsering Chodrön, has passed away, merging her mind with the dharmadatu.