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What is the most precious thing we, as Buddhist practitioners, have to offer our family, sangha friends and others close to us at the time of their death? It is to practise for them and sponsor practices on their behalf. At this crucial moment, there is nothing of greater importance than to pray for their liberation or at least a better rebirth.
The end of the Tibetan year is coming soon. This is the most important time in the year for each of us to offer our practice accumulations from the previous 12 months. Read more about how you can be part of it.
In June, Alak Zenkar Rinpoche made a deeply appreciated visit to Lerab Ling when he gave several oral transmissions and joined us in the practice of Sollo Chenmo. During his visit, Zenkar Rinpoche was also requested to write an invocation prayer to Sogyal Rinpoche that students could include in their practice.
Rigpa’s UK sangha has been accumulating this prayer intensively for several months following advice from Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche. UK Practice Holder, Adele Hersey, shares their experience and invites the international sangha to join them!
The Vision Board recently wrote to the sangha sharing the latest practice advice for us all. Our Lama advisors have recommended the main practice for Rigpa to focus on this year is the magnetising practice of Wang Dü. Find out more in the Vision Board message.
In addition to the traditional features of the Rigpa Tibetan Calendar, as a special addition this year, the calendar includes a selection of prayers especially recommended for the tumultuous times the world currently faces. Find out more.
The recent Losar drupchös in Lerab Ling created the perfect circumstances for a group of 28 practice holders and practitioners to immerse themselves in a 2-month training and practice programme. Those leading the training and those who participated share their experience.
On 12 March, the global Rigpa sangha gathered for a 24-hour accumulation of the Vajra Guru mantra, with the intention of opening our hearts to the suffering in the world and dedicating our prayers so that peace may be restored. Initiator of this event and youth advisor to the Vision Board, Yara Vrolijks, shares her experience.
What better time than the new year to reflect on our path! The recent December / January Sangha Day was an opportunity for everyone - older and newer students to pause, take stock and reflect on what they want to focus on in their study and practice at this time.
The Tertön Sogyal Foundations have recently formed a partnership with Rigpa – Securing Rigpa’s Lineage and Legacy – to make grants available to support individual students with their study and practice while funding further initiatives to make teachings available in new and inventive ways.
Khen Rinpoche Namdrol is greatly concerned about the serious suffering occurring throughout the world due to the spread and rapid mutation of the Coronavirus. He has just sent this heart felt advice to the Rigpa sangha and Heart Essence sangha.
Over 50 Home Retreat 2.0 students from Australia and the UK gathered together in person and online in May for a one-week Vipashyana practice retreat. As part of their quest to explore the ultimate nature of reality, students deepened their practice experience of moving from shamatha to vipashayana and eventually to the nature of mind.
Today we received this letter from Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche requesting the Rigpa sangha make Riwo Sangchö practice a priority, especially directed for the COVID pandemic.
2021 marks the 10th anniversary since the passing of the ‘Queen of the Dakinis’ Khandro Tsering Chödrön. Khandro was loved and respected as one of the great practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism in recent times. On the occasion of her anniversary we are reminded of the inspiration and blessing this wonderful dakini brought to everyone she came into contact with.
Rigpa’s annual Tibetan Calendar has been published each year since 1979. More than a ‘simple’ calendar, this essential pocket book is indispensable for both Tibetan practitioners and western dharma students alike. Read more and pre-order your copy now.