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To begin we would like to thank everyone who made possible Rigpa’s main projects of 2024: the Temple in Dzogchen Beara, the powerful stupas in Lerab Ling, Dharma Mati Berlin, Sukhavati and Tashi Ding, and to hold two major Drupchens with Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche… What wonderful accomplishments! Emaho! What’s next in 2025?
The end of the Tibetan year is coming soon. This is the most important time in the year for each of us to offer our practice accumulations from the previous 12 months. Read more about how you can be part of it.
Over 120 people gathered in person and online for a joyous sangha reunion at our national Rigpa US retreat in November. Gathering in the magnificent Orgyen Dorje Den in Alameda California, the retreat was led by Rigpa Senior Teacher, Sherab Leypoldt. The US team shares more about their joyful annual retreat.
Updated 26 August with new videos! Rigpa’s stupa project will see the construction of stupas in Lerab Ling, Dzogchen Beara, and Dharma Mati in Berlin as well as 25 small stupas for Rigpa centres around the world. The project is entering an exciting phase with construction starting in the coming weeks.
Behaving in an ethical way is an essential part of our spiritual path. How can we integrate Buddhist ethics in order to foster a safe, supportive, inclusive spiritual community? How can we respond when we see behaviour that concerns us?
Sometimes our inboxes get so full that we can’t find that crucial email we’re looking for, or the link to that event we want to join. Or we need to plan ahead in order to prioritise our spiritual life.
Keep reading to find out how these new tools can keep you informed and help you on your path.
On this first day of the new Tibetan year of the Wood Dragon, Rigpa’s Vision Board extends their warmest wishes and prayers to all! Read the message from the Vision Board including their aspirations for the coming year for the Rigpa Community.
Many of us are familiar with the retreats that take place and the teachers who visit Lerab Ling each year, but so much more happens in one year in Lerab Ling! As we come to the end of 2023, it’s a great moment to look back, celebrate and appreciate!
We have recently requested guidance and advice from His Holiness Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche regarding what practices we should do to ensure the flourishing of the Rigpa Sangha. Read the advice from His Holiness.
ZAM (Rigpa store) has been providing a wide range of dharma materials for over 30 years. How did ZAM come into being and what can you find on the new online shop?
We want to learn more about the needs and interests of our Rigpa community and how the programmes and services we offer can adapt to meet the diverse needs of each one of us. Read about one way you can share this through an upcoming (and comprehensive) sangha survey.