Help us Understand Your Dharma Interests and Needs
International Steering Group
Understanding our Community better
Many Rigpa teams, both national and international, have been looking for ways to serve the sangha more effectively, especially in light of the significant changes that have occurred over the past three years. Many decisions about programmes, organization, finances, strategy, etc. can be better informed by a clearer understanding of student interests and focus, including what supports individuals’ continued progress on the path and what students look to Rigpa to provide.
What we have already learned from who joined events in 2020
As part of this process, we have analyzed how many students registered for the various recent events, and would like to describe what we have learned from this. In addition, we are pleased to announce an important upcoming initiative: the first detailed international survey of current Rigpa students.
Rigpa has offered eleven different programmes from May to September 2020, free and paid, mostly online, teachings, practice, and informational. Out of the nearly 4,000 students receiving international emails from Rigpa, about 2,200 attended at least one of these recent events, and within this group the average student attended 3.6 events. This excellent level of participation suggests a core group of devoted and interested students keen to participate in quality dharma programmes, for which we are very grateful. We also observed higher event participation from dzogchen mandala students and lower participation from those in the meditation mandala.
While very helpful, this analysis cannot explain why people registered for different programmes, what areas they are most enthusiastic about, and how Rigpa can better serve their interests. This is where a detailed survey comes in.
The sangha-wide needs survey coming soon
In a few weeks, the same 4,000 students will receive a request to participate in a survey, asking questions about individuals’ study and practice, programme evaluation and interests, perspectives on community, local centers, and guidance, as well as any suggestions for Rigpa. The survey will be completely anonymous; individuals will not be identifiable. Survey results, once tabulated, will be distributed to all the teams, national and international, as well as to all the students.
Look out for the survey and take the opportunity to tell us what you need.