Losar Message to the Rigpa Sangha from the Vision Board
Rigpa Vision Board

Losar Tashi Delek!
Entering the New Tibetan Year, the year of the Iron Ox 2148, as practitioners we can use this moment to reflect on what we most deeply aspire for—for ourselves, others and for the world at large.
The past year has seen unprecedented events and suffering around the world due to the pandemic, war, political instability and change, and much more. In this situation, what else can we do except open our hearts? Through our glimpses of goodness in our everyday experience we can find trust and confidence in the vast vision shown to us by the Buddha and other wise people.
As we enter the new year, it’s a perfect moment to make our personal aspiration prayers as vast as possible so that they radiate out into the world touching all beings, wherever they are.
Together, we offer our aspirations for the coming year and beyond.
May this year bring the swift fulfilment of all enlightened aspirations.
May the teachings of all wisdom traditions continue to illuminate the world and open the hearts of everyone who feels a deep longing for freedom and happiness.
May everyone find the strength and joy to take everything as opportunities for awakening our innermost potential.
May we all contribute towards a peaceful and harmonious society and a healing of the world’s environment, and
May our sangha always arouse the altruistic mind, the heart of the enlightened mind, the bodhichitta.
Precious and sublime bodhicitta,
May it arise in those in whom it has not arisen,
May it never decline where it has arisen,
But go on increasing, further and further!
It has been deeply inspiring to see the sangha’s commitment to practice over the past year which we can see in the accumulations that were offered to our spiritual advisors Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Khenchen Namdrol. We look forward to continuing to study and practice together and to a fruitful and auspicious year ahead.
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With all our best wishes and Losar Tashi Delek
from all members of Rigpa’s Vision Board
Fian, Mauro, Philippe, Seth, Valerie, Verena, Vinciane, Yara