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Explore Guru Rinpoche's Life in India - new publication

Sangha Blog

Explore Guru Rinpoche's Life in India - new publication

Stefan Mang


In 2014, Nekhor was born. Nekhor means “pilgrimage” in Tibetan (literally, “circling the sacred”). We began our project with a simple purpose in mind: to connect today’s practitioners with the extraordinary life and accomplishments of Guru Padmasambhava. From this grew an interest in researching the actual places where Mahaguru practiced, and a wish to make them more widely known—to long-term practitioners and newcomers to Tibetan Buddhism alike.

With this goal in mind, and under the guidance of Neten Chokling Rinpoche and Phakchok Rinpoche, we have researched the sacred sites of Guru Padmasambhava over the last seven years, holding the further advice of masters such as Kyabjé Domang Yangthang Rinpoché, Kyabjé Chatral Rinpoché, Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoché, and Sogyal Rinpoché close to our hearts. Our research is now bearing fruit, with the publication of a three-part series of books tracing the activities of Guru Padmasambhava through Nepal, India, and Tibet.

The first volume, The Lotus-Born Guru in Nepal, was published in 2019. We are now delighted to share that the publication of Following in Your Footsteps: The Lotus-Born Guru in India will be released on Guru Padmasambhava’s birthday (July 19th, 2021), via Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

The Lotus-Born Guru in India—the second volume of this three-part series—explores the sacred sites where Guru Padmasambhava’s activities unfolded in India. Closely following Orgyen Lingpa’s Pema Kathang: The Chronicles of Padma—one of the single most important treasure biographies of Guru Padmasambhava—these narratives are interwoven with rare accounts and visions from realized Tibetan masters, including Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, and Jamyang Khyentsé Chökyi Lodrö.

The Lotus-Born Guru in India offers a translation of Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo’s summary of the Pema Kathang (a biography of Guru Rinpoche, revealed by Orgyen Lingpa) , along with teachings by the contemporary Tibetan masters Neten Chokling Rinpoché and Phakchok Rinpoché. the book also contains a collection of essential supplications and prayers—in both English and Tibetan—and beautifully rendered paintings to guide and inspire our journey into this miraculous world of the Lotus-Born Guru.

Now available for preorder on Amazon both as a paperback and ebook.

Now available for preorder on Amazon both as a paperback and ebook.

As a practical companion to The Lotus-Born Guru in India, we have also built the Nekhor website and Nekhor app (available in both the Apple and Google App stores). These offer an ever-expanding selection of resources related not only to Guru Padmsambhava’s, but also the Buddha’s, sacred sites. Information on Guru Padmsambhava’s sites in Tibet will accompany the release of the third volume of the Following in Your Footsteps series.

Our Nekhor team is part of Lhasey Lotsawa Translations. In the course of our research we have devoted considerable attention to translating traditional prayers and compositions that honour Guru Rinpoche and his activities into English. For information on these publications, please visit us.

We welcome your feedback and continued support for our mission. A heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to this project, in many ways large and small, over the years!

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Stefan Mang, a Rigpa student since 2004, studied Buddhist philosophy and literary Tibetan in 2010 at Rigpa Shedra East in Nepal. From 2011 until 2018 he studied at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute in Kathmandu, where he completed his BA and MA degrees. He works with Rigpa Translations, Lhasey Lotsawa Translations, their Nekhor project and 84000.

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