Treasuring the Feminine in Vajrayana Buddhism
Vinciane Rycroft and Ruth Seehausen
A group of Rigpa students is organising an on-going dialogue across several sanghas on the topic of women and the feminine in Vajrayana Buddhism. Do you have any questions you would like to ask that can be included in this dialogue?
This dialogue will be kicked off with a small symposium, a meeting of just 20 participants who are female Vajrayana teachers and senior practitioners. The symposium will take place from 8 to 12 June 2021. This inter-sangha gathering, hosted on Zoom from Lerab Ling, will initiate a reflection that will then be continued within the participants’ respective sanghas, guided by the outcomes of the symposium.
First and foremost, the dialogue will focus on engaging open discussions among several sanghas, led by the main contributors—Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Sangye Khandro, Chagdud Khadro, Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, and Marcia Schmidt. We do not have any predefined outcome in mind at this stage, other than openly discussing these topics. Coming together as Vajrayana practitioners on this topic is already an accomplishment and an important step.
The symposium will address many familiar topics, such as the feminine principle in Vajrayana, and honoring great women practitioners and teachers of the past. It will also address some topics that are more controversial such as ‘Is addressing the place of women even a relevant topic in Vajrayana?’ ‘What is cultural and what is dharma when it comes to sexuality and conduct?
Following the symposium, as part of continuing the reflection on this topic in the different sanghas, the participants will be encouraged to hold a teaching event or workshop in their own sanghas. The main resources and teachings shared in the symposium will be made available in some form to the sanghas.
Do you have any questions on the above topics for the symposium participants? If so, please contact: by 27 May.
The team making this event happen includes Marcia Schmidt student of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Sogyal Rinpoche, Catherine Paul who held the sangha care during our crisis of the last few years, Gabriele Maass from Rigpa Germany, Vinciane Rycroft from Rigpa’s Vision Board, and Ruth Seehausen who is holding the programme, with support and feedback from members of Rigpa Shyönnu (the young people in Rigpa)—Maitri Berners, Lara Loehr and Amalée Rycroft.
We look forward to receiving all kinds of questions, from different perspectives and points of views. And we will share more news from the symposium once it has taken place!